100% Secured data
1 Million+ users
100K+ 5-star Reviews
App of the day
Simple money tracker
It takes seconds to record daily transactions. Put them into clear and visualized categories such as Expense: Food, Shopping or Income: Salary, Gift.

Painless budgeting
It takes seconds to record daily transactions. Put them into clear and visualized categories such as Expense: Food, Shopping or Income: Salary, Gift.

The whole picture in one place
One report to give a clear view on your spending patterns. Understand where your money comes and goes with easy-to-read graphs.

Features our users love
Multiple devices
Safely synchronize across devices with Bank standard security.
Recurring transaction
Get notified of recurring bills and transactions before due date.
Travel mode
All currencies supported with up-to-date exchange rate.
Saving plan
Keep track on savings process to meet your financial goals.
Debt and loan
Manage your debts, loans and payment process in one place.
Effortless transaction entry
Entry a transaction quickly and easily, manually or automatically.
See what others have to say
4.9 Based on user reviews